My daughter had a Spanish project about what she did over her Thanksgiving holiday -- she had to create a scrapbook. We both thought it was due at the end of the week (even though she told me it was due on the 29th). I'm not sure what we were thinking! For some reason, at 8:10 p.m. I asked her to double check the due date and we figured out it was due tomorrow! She normally goes to bed at 9:00 and we have a very early morning tomorrow as we have to run in to town to do some business before she goes to school, so I told her to get on the computer muy pronto! She pulled up My Digital Studio and here's what she came up with in about an hour. It certainly would have taken her at least three times as long to create a paper scrapbook of the same quality! I sure hope her teacher likes it and she gets a good grade!
Now, I don't know any Spanish, so I'm not sure how accurate her journaling is, but I think it's pretty darn good scrapbooking for a 14 year old!